Mockoon Playground API

Mockoon's playground is a ready-to-use mock API for all your prototyping needs: fake JSON data, JSON placeholders, realistic CRUD API mock, etc.

Mockoon's playground is a ready-to-use mock API for all your prototyping needs: fake JSON data, JSON placeholders, realistic CRUD API mock, etc. It is also a good way to discover Mockoon's features. The playground offers the resources below, populated with fake data (generated using Faker.js).

You can use this playground for:

Learning and teaching APIs

Quick prototyping

Discovering Mockoon features

Available resources

Companies /companies
100 items
Fake companies JSON data including name, industry, location, number of employees, etc.
{ "id": "c408c0de-c0ba-40f3-8a4f-f1acb561de03", "name": "Botsford Group", "industry": "monetize compelling mindshare", "location": { "city": "South Valley", "country": "American Samoa" }, "employees": 23895, "is_public": false }
Fake contacts JSON data including name, email, phone, complete address, etc.
{ "id": "d421a174-8a96-4f42-addb-dccf00872970", "name": "Devyn Stamm", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "991-570-7464 x620", "address": { "street": "664 Baumbach Port", "city": "Fort Vanessa", "state": "Maine", "zip": "72249-8454" }, "age": 56 }
Fake customers JSON data including name, email, phone, address, age, etc.
{ "id": "f724b18e-0165-452f-8256-0803f100f779", "name": "Pierce Schinner", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "1-492-539-2953 x1943", "address": "496 Maggio Gardens, Port Bufordville, KS 76070", "age": 50, "isVip": true }
Fake movies JSON data including title, genre, director, release year, rating, etc.
{ "id": "c476c2ce-f138-459d-9b7f-00781e550460", "title": "necessitatibus brevis vicissitudo", "genre": "vulgus", "director": "Stewart Kiehn", "releaseYear": 1954, "rating": 7, "isPopular": false }
Fake notifications JSON data including title, message, etc.
{ "id": "23d78578-0c20-4ff0-9e37-a6b6ae83e164", "title": "Sophismata careo statim auditor audentia expedita.", "message": "Adsum bestia ante sortitus balbus cultura sunt vaco voluptates. Paulatim utique rem architecto demulceo thema verecundia. Verto vomito curriculum arbitro sint amita.", "read": false, "timestamp": "Wed Jun 05 2024 04:28:45 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)" }
Fake photos JSON data including URL, caption, likes, etc.
{ "id": "f50bf6e1-fbb2-4096-aff1-dad2a3dda30f", "url": "", "caption": "Adsidue amplexus quam pecco armarium [...]", "likes": 12, "isFeatured": true }
List of Pokemons with their name, type, base stats, etc. This dataset is read-only, you can only GET the full list or a single Pokemon by its id (GET /pokemons or GET /pokemons/{id}).
{ "id": 5, "name": { "english": "Charmeleon", "japanese": "リザード", "chinese": "火恐龙", "french": "Reptincel" }, "type": [ "Fire" ], "base": { "HP": 58, "Attack": 64, "Defense": 58, "Sp. Attack": 80, "Sp. Defense": 65, "Speed": 80 } }
Fake blog posts JSON data including title, author, date, content, number of views, etc.
{ "id": "0fd57703-4755-40a1-bbf7-2bee858c3a67", "title": "Sumptus appono tametsi [...]", "author": "Jermaine Daniel", "date": "2023-04-30T10:10:02.970Z", "content": "Crustulum consequatur ut audacia [...]", "views": 1289, "isPublished": true }
Fake time JSON data including UTC date time, Unix time, milliseconds, day of week, day of month, etc.
{ "utcDateTime": "2024-12-23T00:19:26.876+01:00", "unixTimeS": 1734909566, "unixTimeMS": 1734909566876, "milliseconds": 876, "seconds": 26, "minutes": 19, "hours": 0, "dayOfWeekNumber": 1, "dayOfWeekName": "Monday", "dayOfMonth": 23, "dayOfYear": 358, "monthNumber": 12, "monthName": "December", "quarter": 4, "year": 2024, "weekOfYear": 52 }
Fake todos JSON data including title, completion status, priority, due date, etc.
{ "id": "c7266f89-b777-45aa-83ad-01d4bad47eb7", "title": "optimize real-time architectures", "completed": true, "priority": 0, "dueDate": "2024-09-24T10:13:39.649Z" }
Fake sales JSON data including country, item type, unit cost, number of units, etc.
{ "id": "485d91e9-1042-458c-a977-47e48ae2d83e", "country": "Guernsey", "itemType": "Ball", "salesChannel": "Movies", "group": "Recycled", "orderData": "Mon Oct 07 2024 04:05:36 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)", "shippingDate": "Fri Nov 15 2024 06:49:01 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)", "units": 16, "unitPrice": "138.69", "unitCost": "186.09", "totalRevenue": "2219.04", "totalCost": "2977.44", "totalProfit": "-758.4000000000001" }
Fake users JSON data including name, email, phone, address, birthdate, etc.
{ "id": "dabf8912-0eb2-4648-98df-7d113a15bbfc", "name": "Sean Kris", "email": "[email protected]", "phone": "271-410-4874 x85762", "address": "623 Jailyn Village, Pasadena, IA 54138", "birthdate": "2005-07-26", "isActive": true }

Playground API base URL

Available routes/methods for each resource (replace {resources} with the resource name on the left, e.g. /contacts):

  • GET/{resources}
    Returns the entire array
  • GET/{resources}/:id
    Returns an object by its id property
  • POST/{resources}
    Inserts a new object in the array (autogenerate the id (UUID) if not provided)
  • PUT/{resources}/:id
    Performs a full object update by its id (replace)
  • PATCH/{resources}/:id
    Performs a partial object update by its id (merge)
  • DELETE/{resources}/:id
    Deletes an object by its id

Playground FAQ

While the playground offers a lot of flexibility, it's not meant to be used in production. We monitor the playground's usage and apply rate limiting (you may get 429 "Too Many Requests" errors). Please don't abuse it and use it only for prototyping purposes.
All the methods like POST, PUT or DELETE work as expected and will modify the data or return a 404 after deletion. Be kind and don't abuse it, the data is shared between all the users. Work with your own objects! 😉
The service is frequently reset to its initial state and goes to sleep after ~15 minutes of inactivity, which also resets its state.
The playground goes to sleep after ~15 minutes of inactivity. The first request after this period may be slow (up to 10-20 seconds) as the service is waking up. But it should be fast enough after that.
The playground data were created using Mockoon Desktop. It is running with the CLI in a Docker container. It principally uses the CRUD routes and data buckets features.
You can ask for help or discuss ideas and improvements on our GitHub Discussion forum. You are also welcome on our Discord server. If you found an issue with the playground, you can open an issue on the playground repository.